(주)드림텍 korea

Iure qui et et. Quis quidem eos omnis saepe. Rerum sed placeat recusandae ex.

(주)드림텍에 오신 것을 환영합니다

모집부분 및 상세내용




원자재 출하/출고
일일점검체크 시트 작성


근무기간 : 정규직 (수습 3개월)
근무요일 : 주 5일
근무시간 : 8:30~17:30
급여조건 : 통상시급 9,860원 / 상여 200%
(주)드림텍의 리뷰
Everette Cummings

Jun 13, 2024

Everette Cummings
star star star star star

These guys are amazing! Responses immediately, amazing support and help... I immediately feel at ease after Purchasing..

Sandra Senger

Jun 13, 2024

Sandra Senger
star star star star star

It's not my first experience here on Codecanyon and I can honestly tell you all that Botble puts a LOT of effort into the support. They answer so fast, they helped me tons of times. REALLY by far THE BEST EXPERIENCE on Codecanyon. Those guys at Botble are so good that they deserve 5 stars. I recommend them, I trust them and I can't wait to see what they will sell in a near future. Thank you Botble :)

Jettie Fisher

Jun 13, 2024

Jettie Fisher
star star star star star

I Love this Script. I also found how to add other fees. Now I just wait the BIG update for the Marketplace with the Bulk Import. Just do not forget to make it to be Multi-language for us the Botble Fans.

바른 - 취업과 보너스를 한번에 보너스잡! 정규직 취업하고 취업축하금도 받자!

바른파트너스의 최신정보를
받아보시려면 이메일 주소를 남겨주세요

바른 - 취업과 보너스를 한번에 보너스잡! 정규직 취업하고 취업축하금도 받자!